‘Stairway to SDG 3.0’ is an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project. Project Reference: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000025741 (Constructores de Sostenibilidad - El camino hacia los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible - 3.0)

Amycos (Project Coordinator)
Amycos is an independent, pluralistic NGO. Our primary goal is social justice and equality. To fulfil this goal we focus on multiple objectives in our work: work for peace and reconciliation, no-violence; fight against all forms of discrimination; opposing the growing gap between rich and poor populations; human rights; promotion of responsible environmental attitudes and policies.

Rosto Solidário
Rosto Solidário is a Portuguese NGDO (non-governmental organisation for development), established in 2007. RS aims to foster global citizenship and solidarity by enhancing local communities’ human and social development. RS core principles are civic participation, social integration, solidarity, networking and partnership. The organisation's scope of work includes four main areas: International Development Cooperation, Global Citizenship Education, Volunteering and Family-based Social Support. Gender Equity, Human Rights and Social Inclusion are RS cross-cutting subjects.

Odisee vzw
Odisee University of Applied Sciences, offers 25 professional Bachelor degree programmes, 8 graduate programs in 7 fields of study: Business, Digital, Education, Environment, Health, Social and Tech. Odisee offers state-of-the-art education and research with a practice-oriented, innovative and sustainable focus. Odisee prides itself on incorporation of project outcomes in the degree programmes offered to students. Our graduates are our greatest contribution to society, when graduates have the tools needed, and the motivation to do so, real changes can be made in the world. It is with this philosophy in mind, that Odisee takes great care in constructing educational programs that incorporate social, economic, and environmental considerations.

Tyto srl
Tyto is a software engineering company based in Trento, Italy. Its major areas of interest concern the study, development and implementation of complex architectures in the cloud environment, typically using open source software. The projects concern environmental sustainability in general and the impact of human activities on the environment. These major projects are developed for or in collaboration with the European Commission and the World Bank. Tyto has been collaborating since its foundation with major European research centres , both university and non-university.

Predict CSD Consulting
Predict CSD Consulting is specialised in building online educational products: e-courses, instructional, experiential & edutainment video games. With a few dozen educational products released, their efforts have furthered interactivity and innovation in the field of education - a mission we’re passionate about, because learning is fun!

Mediterranean Centre of Environment
The Mediterranean Centre of Environment is a Greek non-profit organisation setting up local, national and European projects to contribute to sustainable development, to encourage joint action towards local projects in Greece aimed at preserving natural and cultural heritage and, simultaneously, supporting economic and social well-being of the communities. The organisation develops educational methods and material based on learning by experience and intercultural exchanges.

Idycos is a creative company that understands that communication, design and advertising are a fundamental element of the identity of companies and organisations. We assume the principles and values of the social and solidarity economy: people and their needs are the focus of all activities, generating decent and stable employment, respecting the environment and function of democratic manners.